Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Who are we praying for on 9/11?

9/11 is a tough day for Americans.  It brings back memories of that fateful day.  Where we were when it happened, who we were with, what were we were thinking.  I actually feel a little guilty since I woke up at 5am, went through my normal morning routine of work and exercise and didn't even realize that it was 9/11 until 3 hours later.  Once I did realize it was 9/11, it's all I can think about.

As I was getting ready, MSNBC was replaying the Today Show footage from that day and I felt compelled to watch it to hear their reaction as the second airplane hit the South Tower at 9:03am.  I knew it was coming and that watching it would bring back painful memories yet I sat there and watched.  Not sure if everybody would keep watching but I figure that most people would.  Which begs the question and the reason for my post today...Why?  Do we yearn for feelings, even bad ones, that we would endure such memories?  Do we feel that living through those memories honors those who perished on that day and their families who have to relive those moments not only every September 11th but every day of their lives?  This is the first purpose of this post today on the "Live As If" Blog.  We should "Live As If" our reliving those memories provides some connection to all Americans who are suffering on this day.

After I got dressed, I went outside on my balcony and prayed as I try to do on most days.  But today's prayers were not my usual prayers about family, health and peace.  It was about those who are suffering more than I am today.  Which brings me to the second purpose for this post today.  Who are we really praying for?  Are we praying for them, for peace, for ourselves or all of the above?  After thinking about it for a while, does it really matter?  If we believe that there is a God that is listening to these prayers, then there is one.  If we believe that there is an energy or connection to those we pray for, then there is one.  At the end of the day, I firmly believe that it doesn't so much matter what you believe in ... just the fact that you do believe.  That is the essence of this blog so hopefully others can share their feelings as well.

By the way, on the way to work, I was listening to the Memorial Service at the Pentagon where they started playing the National Anthem.  Not sure why I pulled off to the side of road and put my hand on my chest but thought that was the right thing to do.  Nobody was watching, nobody was keeping score.  That is except for me and maybe that's enough.

Thanks for reading.  Please feel free to share your feelings by leaving a comment.  You can even do it anonymously. 

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