Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Raise Your Vibration - Shape Your Reality

Raise Your Vibration - Shape Your Reality

We have entered a new era in human understanding. At the most fundamental level, “everything is energy.” We are energetic beings says Ervin Laszlo in his book Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything.  The Akashic Field is the Universal Energetic Field.  The Akashic field is us and we are the Akashic field.  Because of that profound understanding, we stand at a turning point in human development.
You might say, ''I don’t have time to think about vibration, or I have way too much to do today rather than think about staying centered, or you might just say this vibration stuff is all hocus-pocus.”  I beg to differ…

Everything vibrates. One of the essential truths of physics is that most of what we consider to be solid matter is in fact loosely grouped particles hovering in space. Think of matter’s basic building block: the atom. Electrons whiz around their center with enough energy to push or pull at other atoms. While these electrons move, the atom hums with a vibration that reflects the constant energy of the tiny particles. With that in mind, it should not be too much of a stretch to imagine our own bodies constantly humming with a vibrational energy. Even the frequency of this energy can be observed by scientific instruments and measured in Megahertz.
Studies have shown that illnesses enter the body when its frequency lowers below healthy thresholds. According to research by Bruce Tainio and subsequent studies, the healthy human body vibrates at a rate somewhere between 62 MHz and 68 MHz. A person with the common cold or flu has an average vibration of 58 MHz. The point at which cancer begins to develop in the body is at 42 MHz.
Still reading? Good.
What’s next for us? How to we vibrate close to our core?  How do we raise our vibration?
Practice. Meditate, chant, sing, dance…. Vibrate close to the core and above all, have belief.  Belief that this type of energetic existence can and WILL be achieved in your day to day life.
There is no one or set path. You will have to put forth the effort to find your path, the path that you connect with. Know that there will be detours and there will be road blocks. Try not to force your way through them. Rather place gentle pressure/energy toward the thing blocking your path and wait.  Wait until the resistance is gone or your mind and body guides you to where your next step will be. Follow and listen to your intuition and before you know it you are connected to you central core and your vibration has been elevated.

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