Friday, September 7, 2012

Why I live as if

When Craig and I sat down for lunch yesterday and came up with the idea of this blog, it came from the general belief that we both believe in something that connects all of us.  Whether it's a God, an energy, a karma, kizmit or anything else, it's a much better way to go through life "living as if" there is something connecting us rather than the belief that we are just carbon life forms living in a constant state of random coincidences.

There is a movie that guides me when I think about how I live my life.  For those of you that know me, believe it or not, it's not "Rudy", "Princess Bride", "Naked Gun 1, 2.5 or 33.333", or "Fletch".  It's actually a not so popular movie from 1991 called "Defending Your Life" which starred Albert Brooks and Meryl Streep.  The concept of the movie is that when you die, you go to a place called Judgement City where you spend 3 days defending your life in a courtroom setting whether you have displayed courage during your life.  If you are successful, you move on to Heaven.  If not, you go back as a new person to try again to live a life of courage.

The reason I like this movie is because it brings up the question of would we live our life any differently if we knew we were being judged or graded.  Would we pick up litter when nobody is watching?  Would we spend more time with our kids or spouse?  Would we give more charity or volunteer more?  I honestly don't believe that there is someone upstairs watching our every move but I think if we "live as if", we would live much more fulfilling lives.

This blog was made to explore this idea so hopefully others in the blogosphere will share their feelings on the subject of "living as if".  We look forward to learning and growing with you.



  1. I love this post. I think more people need to keep this in mind. Great idea for a blog

    1. thanks for following David. feel freee to jump in with any ideas you may have.
