Saturday, September 15, 2012

Karma is Kool!

I wasn't planning on posting to this blog today but then an interesting event happened that I thought I would share.  I was coming home from Dallas last night and was able to catch the earlier flight home.  Since I was the last person on the plane, there wasn't much room for my carry-on in the overhead bin.  The only spot open was in row 30 except I was in row 19.  As I put my bag up, I joked with the people around row 30 to bring my bag up when they come up.  Since I was the last person to sit and they were already delayed, I did not expect anybody to fulfill my request.

Sure enough, two and a half hours later, when we arrive in Miami, as I am waiting for the entire plane to unload so that I can go back and get my bag from row 30, a nice lady came up holding her bag and mine said "I didn't forget you" and gave me my bag.  Will wonders never cease.  I thanked her and told her that this would be good Karma for her and that I would pay her back one day.  She joked back that one day our paths would cross and I would let her go ahead of me at a stoplight one day.

She went on her way but it got me thinking, wouldn't it be cool if the world worked that way?  That there was some checklist somewhere stating that you got a Karma Gold Star which you could redeem for something good to happen later on?  If we "Live As If" the good actions we did were being measured in some way, wouldn't we perform more good actions?  I would hope so.

Whether you believe that Karma really exists or not, we would live much more rewarding lives if we believed it did.  To the nice lady in row 30, I hope your kindness gets repaid and that I see you at a stoplight one day to repay the favor.  Please reply with a comment sharing a good Karma story you have experienced.

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