Thursday, September 6, 2012


My friend Steven and I had lunch today and we decided to start a blog called To Live As If...

To live as if there was someone up there with a computer watching and recording all you are doing down here.  We both conceded that neither of us know if there is a G-d or energy force or being or any other form of faith based divinity. BUT how you live your life today, just might determine what you do, act like, behave like, or become tomorrow.  So why not Live as if...

Faith – defines as confidence or trust in a person or thing: faith in another's ability: belief that is not based on proof: belief in G-d or in the doctrines or teachings of religion: belief in anything, as a code of ethics, standards of merit.

There is nothing that says you will rely on this faith daily, but why not. It’s there for the proverbial taking. Imagine if you wore your faith like you wear your shirts each day.  you connect with it from the time you wake in the morning and it’s there if you need it any time of the day as if you are surrounded by peace.  The day might come, unexpectedly, when you might just need that faith.  It’s a good thing you have your faith wrapped around you…

Connect with our faith daily. And as Steve pointed out to me today, there are time of the year where you might find yourself straying away from you center.  You might just need your faith to bring back to that point of balance. The balance of peace and faith.  

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