Friday, September 7, 2012

From my perspective

From my perspective, I’ve grown up in a flash. So quickly, as if the years have just flown by. From the time I used to go to kindergarten on the basket of a bike to the grey hair in my beard and sprinkled on my head. ( I just thought it was my three daughters).  From Sandra and Tony’s view point, I’m still their little boy. I’ve gone from infant to father, husband, independent business owner and dare I say man in 39 years, all in the blink of an eye.  I am their baby boy (as I am the youngest of three boys) and they get a pass when they ask how late I came home or tell me to dress finer for work or give me unsolicited advice.

They taught me about passion.  Do what you love and you will never work another day – so the saying goes.  Rid yourself of the negativity and the societal boundaries that say you do this because we are supposed to. The universe is here for you to play a vital role within. Share your energy today so one day you or your loved ones might need to borrow some. Live your live as if….

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