Thursday, March 10, 2016

A moment made just for me

Just me and my view
I travelled to Baltimore today for a Synagogue Presidents conference and happened to get to the conference center a few hours before registration started.  The conference center is based 40 minutes outside of Baltimore in beautiful farm country.  In these situations, I typically pull out my laptop and iPhone to get "caught up".  Fighting that urge, I found a comfy wooden rocking chair overlooking the farmland and just sat there.

No phone, no email, no people.  Just me and my view (see above).  A chirping bird flying overhead, the rustling of leaves in a nearby tree are pretty much the only sounds I hear.  Instead of trying to think of something specific, I am actually enjoying the tough task of thinking about nothing besides my moment.

Why don't I have these moments more often?  Or do I have them but don't take the time to appreciate them?  What gets me really thinking is did I create this moment or was this moment created just for me.  If I have to be honest, it was probably neither but wouldn't it be nice to Live As If these moments in our lives were made just for us?  To take it a step further, wouldn't it be nice if we went out of our way to create these moments for ourselves or even better, to create them for or with someone we love?

Of course my moment doesn't last long enough since my phone keeps buzzing in my pocket and people are starting to arrive.  Before I go on with my day, I at least wanted to share this moment with you.  Feel free to share in the comments below about the special quiet moments you have in your life.

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