Monday, December 17, 2012

The Newtown Tragedy - How do we move on?

This blog has always been about connection.  Connection to an energy, a God but most importantly, to each other.  Even if you don't have any personal connection to anybody effected by the senseless tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut last Friday, all of our hearts are a little broken because of it.  Since Friday, I can't stop thinking about the victims and their families.  I can't stop reading about those 20 beautiful children and thinking about the lives they would and should have lived.  I also can't stop this feeling of helplessness since there is absolutely nothing any of us can do to make things any better.  But then again, maybe there is...

During the past few days, I have listened to many interviews from people with different perspectives but the common theme is that they all say how they acted differently following the tragedy.  They hugged their loved ones a little more, they were a little nicer to people, one reporter from NBC even let his kids have ice cream for breakfast.

I think President Obama said it beautifully at the Newtown Vigil, "For those of us who remain, let us find the strength to carry on, and make our country worthy of their memory."  The real question is what does "worthy" mean?  How do we use this connection we feel to the people of Newtown to better ourselves and in turn improve the world around us?  Whether it's to read an extra story to your kids at night, take a walk with a friend or loved one, donate some time this holiday season or just be a little kinder to complete strangers.  Do something to make a better version of yourself and dedicate it to the memory of those who lost their lives in Newtown.

Since we are always trying to make this blog about connecting ourselves, please share your thoughts and comments below and maybe we can help each other get through this difficult time.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to victims of last Friday's tragedy and as the Jewish prayer says, "Zikron l'vrach - May their memories be for a blessing."

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