Thursday, October 25, 2012

What is your TED talk?

I am sure that at some time or another, somebody has sent you a TED talk video. TED (  is an organization that puts on amazing speaking events across the world of people who are truly making a difference in their communities.  Their tagline of "Ideas worth spreading" gives you a sense of what their mission is.  From technology to science to entertainment to business to global issues and everything in between, these TED talks highlight how one individual can impact the world.  If you have never seen a TED talk, click on the 2012 highlight video below.

Anyways, now that you are fully motivated by the TED video, let me get to my point.  The other day, I went to the TEDxMIA event which is put on by people in South Florida who just want to share what the people in our community are doing to have an impact on our world.  The interesting thing is that the TEDx events are not planned by the national TED organization but have blossomed to several 1000 cities as you can see from the map to the right.

Our TEDxMIA event was amazing and had a wide range of speakers from a Peter Coleman, a researcher of political conflict to Leisha John, an environment sustainability director to Neil Hammerschlag, a marine biologist who is saving sharks. 

While I was sitting there, the following thought kept coming to my mind:


There is nothing inherently special about these people on the stage or on any TED stage except that they had an idea that is making a positive impact.  Can't we all do that?  In my humble opinion, I would say YES!  The hard part is figuring out what the idea would be.

As I thought more about it, I realized that our idea doesn't have to create world peace or cure cancer but that any idea, no matter how small, can have a positive impact on our world.  The issue we have is that we don't set the time to think about what our one great idea would be but that is all about to change right now.

So, Congratulations!  You have been selected to share your one great idea with the world or at least the readers of this blog.  This is important so we are counting on you.  Talk with your family and friends to let them know that you have been given this responsibility and you are not taking it lightly.  Also feel free to share with others since we are counting on everybody to do their share.

The stage is set, the spotlight is on you and the audience is waiting to hear your one great idea.  Ready, Set, Go!!

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